Decision Log 043/2021 – Funding for the Provision of Victim Services

Comissionat de policia i delictes de Surrey: registre de presa de decisions

Funding for the provision of victim services

Número de decisió: 043/2021

Autor i funció laboral: Damian Markland, Policy & Commissioning Lead for Victim Services

Marcatge de protecció: Oficial

  • resum

In October 2014, Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) took on responsibility for commissioning support services for victims of crime, to help individuals cope and recover from their experiences. This paper sets out recent funding committed by the PCC in fulfilment of these duties.

  • Acords de finançament estàndard

2.1 Service: WiSE Worker Project

Proveïdor: YMCA Downslink Group

Subvenció: £119,500

Resum: The OPCC has historically provided funding for two WiSE (What is Sexual Exploitation) Project Workers (including management support costs) to deliver targeted interventions to children & young people who are victims of sexual exploitation, or at risk of becoming one. WiSE workers work closely with police teams and provide dedicated support for children and young people affected by CSE to help them cope, recover and rebuild their lives. Due to staff attrition within the service, there is a need to recruit to vacant posts, but to do so with only six months remaining under the current funding agreement will likely prove difficult. As such, the PCC has agreed to commit to funding for 2022/23 to allow the service to advertise the required posts with more favourable terms.

Pressupost: Victim Fund 2022/23

3.0 Police and Crime Commissioner Approval

Aprovo les recomanacions tal com es detalla a Secció 2 d'aquest informe.

Signatura: Lisa Townsend (wet copy signature held in OPCC)

Date: 3rd November 2021

(Totes les decisions s'han d'afegir al registre de decisions.)