Registre de la Decisió 022/2021 – Conveni de col·laboració per a l'assegurança

Comissionat de policia i delictes de Surrey: registre de presa de decisions

Report Title: Collaboration Agreement for Insurance

Número de decisió: 022/2021

Author and Job Role: Kelvin Menon – Treasurer

Marcatge de protecció: OFICIAL

Resum executiu:

The PCC is asked to enter in to a collaboration agreement with South East and Eastern Forces for the procurement of Insurance


This agreement will enable Forces to collectively purchase Insurance cover at more competitive rates. With the exception of Motor there is no overall pooling of risks between forces and each Force will have its own policy. A single premium rate has been obtained for motor across all forces which has resulted in significant savings for Surrey.

The agreement has been reviewed by the Force’s legal advisors and reflects changes they have suggested. (Background information and documents kept in OPCC)


It is recommended that the PCC signs the agreement as attached

Aprovació del comissari de policia i criminalitat

Aprovo les recomanacions:

Signatura: David Munro (còpia de la signatura humida conservada a OPCC)

Data: 26/04/2021

Totes les decisions s'han d'afegir al registre de decisions.

Àrees de consideració



Implicacions financeres

This should result in savings


Reviewed by Weightmans and changed reflected in the agreement



Igualtat i diversitat

N / A

Riscos per als drets humans

N / A