Registre de decisions: 010/2021 Finançament rebut del Consell del Comtat de Surrey per al servei Checkpoint Plus

Número de resolució: 010/2021
Author and Job Role: Craig Jones -Policy & Commissioning Lead for Criminal Justice
Marcatge de protecció: OFICIAL

Executive Summary: The OPCC has been awarded the sum of £12,800 by Surrey County Council (Adult Social Care) to support Checkpoint Plus

La següent organització ha sol·licitat finançament;

Surrey Police – Checkpoint Plus
To award £12,800 to Surrey Police to expand delivery of the Checkpoint Plus out of court disposal scheme to men experiencing multiple disadvantage (a combination of homelessness, substance misuse, mental ill-health and repeat contact with the criminal justice system) This will enable Surrey Police to purchase programmes from the Red Snapper interventions platform and other community based intervention options to assist clients desist from reoffending behaviour.

That the Police & Crime Commissioner awards the sum agreed to the above mentioned organisation totalling £12,800
Aprovació del comissari de policia i criminalitat

Aprovo les recomanacions:

Signatura: David Munro (signatura humida disponible en còpia impresa)

Data: 24 / 02 / 2021