Decisió 39/2022 - Jo Trio la Llibertat: Treballador de suport a la infància en refugi

Autor i funció laboral: Lucy Thomas, responsable de la posada en marxa i la política de serveis a les víctimes

Marcatge de protecció:  OFICIAL

Resum executiu:

Els comissionats de policia i delictes tenen la responsabilitat legal de proporcionar serveis per ajudar les víctimes a fer front i a recuperar-se.


The funding is for a children’s therapeutic support worker and children play workers to support children who are in refuge services and have experienced domestic abuse to help them understand that the abuse was not their fault. The children (and their mums) are given the tools to enable them to successfully make the transition from refuge to safe, independent living within the community.


The grant of £19,394 is awarded to I Choose Freedom for a child support worker

Aprovació del comissari de policia i criminalitat

Aprovo les recomanacions:

Signatura: Lisa Townsend, Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey (wet signed copy held in Office)

Data: 11th novembre 2022

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Sense Riscos

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Riscos per als drets humans

Sense Riscos