Decision Log 051/2020 – Reducing Reoffending Fund Application November 2020

Komesar policije i kriminala za Surrey – zapisnik o donošenju odluka

Naslov izvještaja: Reducing Reoffending Fund (RRF) Application November 2020

broj odluke: 051/2020

Autor i radna uloga: Craig Jones – Voditelj politike i puštanja u rad za CJ

Zaštitna oznaka: SLUŽBENICA


Za 2020/21. komesar za policiju i kriminal stavio je na raspolaganje 266,667 funti sredstava za smanjenje ponavljanja krivičnih djela u Surreyu.


In November 2020 the following organisation submitted an application to the RRF for consideration;

The Skill Mill Limited - Skill Mill Surrey - tražena suma 7500 funti

The Skill Mill is a multi-award-winning social enterprise providing employment opportunities for young people aged between sixteen and eighteen. They employ only ex-offenders, actively reducing reoffending whilst increasing engagement, participation, employability and educational levels of the young people to increase their life chances.

The Skill Mill provides employment opportunities in water and land based management, helping to reduce flood risk and improve the local environment in Surrey. In turn, this brings social and environmental benefits to communities by involving local people directly in the delivery of services. Each cohort receives six months paid employment, invaluable practical real work experience, a nationally recognised qualification, and further opportunities for progression with local companies at the end of their time with The Skill Mill.

The Skill Mill will work in anti-social behaviour hotspots in Surrey identified by the OPCC and will aim at having 8 young people in employment over the 12 month period.


Da Komesar policije i kriminala dodijeli traženi iznos gore navedenoj organizaciji ukupno £7500

Odobrenje policije i komesara za kriminal

Odobravam preporuku(e):

Potpis: David Munro (mokri potpis dostupan na papiru)

Datum: 11 / 11 / 2020

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