Besluitlogboek 043/2021 – Befondsing vir die verskaffing van slagofferdienste

Polisie- en misdaadkommissaris vir Surrey – Besluitnemingsrekord

Befondsing vir die verskaffing van slagofferdienste

Besluitnommer: 043/2021

Skrywer en werksrol: Damian Markland, beleids- en ingebruiknemingsleier vir slagofferdienste

Beskermende merk: Amptelik

  • Opsomming

In Oktober 2014 het Polisie- en Misdaadkommissarisse (PCC's) verantwoordelikheid aanvaar vir die ingebruikneming van ondersteuningsdienste vir slagoffers van misdaad, om individue te help om hul ervarings te hanteer en te herstel. Hierdie vraestel sit onlangse befondsing uiteen wat deur die PCC aangegaan is om hierdie pligte na te kom.

  • Standaard Befondsingsooreenkomste

2.1 Diens: WiSE Worker Project

Verskaffer: YMCA Downslink Group

Grant: £119,500

opsomming: The OPCC has historically provided funding for two WiSE (What is Sexual Exploitation) Project Workers (including management support costs) to deliver targeted interventions to children & young people who are victims of sexual exploitation, or at risk of becoming one. WiSE workers work closely with police teams and provide dedicated support for children and young people affected by CSE to help them cope, recover and rebuild their lives. Due to staff attrition within the service, there is a need to recruit to vacant posts, but to do so with only six months remaining under the current funding agreement will likely prove difficult. As such, the PCC has agreed to commit to funding for 2022/23 to allow the service to advertise the required posts with more favourable terms.

Begroting: Victim Fund 2022/23

3.0 Goedkeuring van polisie en misdaadkommissaris

Ek keur die aanbevelings goed soos uiteengesit in Artikel 2 van hierdie verslag.

Handtekening: Lisa Townsend (wet copy signature held in OPCC)

Date: 3rd November 2021

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